Tuesday, February 18, 2014

How I, Isis, gained Ra's Secret Name

I wanted it all. All the power of the earth, ruling over everyone. But someone was standing in my way, a power I needed to have to control the earth myself… I needed to learn Ra’s secret name. Ra is the almighty powerful god, who basically created the earth. I, Isis, wanted his secret name, so finally I could be all powerful. So I decided upon at plan, as Ra slept I sneakily walked, watching his form for signs of awakening, but there were none. I gathered his spit coming from his mouth as he slept, taking and pooling it in my hands. I left where he was sleeping towards the hot dry desert path Ra walked everyday lay ahead. Using the powers I already had, I mixed Ra’s spit into the dirt along the path forcing it to create something nobody, even me, could heal, without immense power. I formed a obfuscate serpent whose poison could hurt even the ‘almighty’ Ra. I then placed it along the path Ra walks everyday and waited. Until the sounds of yells and pure pain came through the halls, my snake had worked its magic, Ra was injured and enduring pain greater than he had ever felt before. I saunter over casually… the other gods had gathered around but none could help Ra and were confused as to how he had even gotten bitten. But I leaned in towards Ra, “I could heal you… but I need the power of your secret name to rid you of this pain.” Of course, Ra had to be difficult, he lied over and over again saying fake secret names that I knew had no point at all. I could tell he was fading fast and the pain was beginning to be unbearable for the old god… finally, finally he caved. I the almighty magical and powerful goddess, finally knew the secret name of Ra. I healed him, like I said I would, but now that I knew his name, I was the one with supreme power, not Ra. From this point on, I am the most powerful, I am the leader and I can use the power of the name to keep it that way.


  1. You are one dark little soul! I thought this narrative had great voice to it, and was descriptive! Great job!

  2. Love this! It was very descriptive!! Good job

  3. I love how much detail you put into the story!

  4. You did a very nice job writing this, as I can almost feel your wicked little mind conduct that ingenious plan. Nicely done!
