Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Isis the Mighty Egyptian God Post 1

Hello, I am the goddess Isis. In pretty much everyone's opinion, I am the earliest and a very important Egyptian goddess. I am the goddess of magic and life. I am the Daughter of Nut and Geb and the sister of OsirisNephthys, and Seth. wife of Osiris and the Mother of Horus. I famously wear wings to show protection and also life. My worshipers, not to brag, are still here today. Unlike some of the other godly friends. I spent time on earth a while ago teaching them how to grow and build, gaining friendship of the people on earth. I am called the Mother of Life but also can be called the Crone of Death. I usually wear headdresses and have the appearance of the ancient Egyptians. Thick eyeliners and many jewels and bands. I also have an 'Isis Knot' which is the symbol of protection for others.